Is Working From Home Really Here to Stay?

Thanks to the Coronavirus Pandemic, most businesses have moved to a work from home model to keep employees safe.  Many companies are seeing the benefits of having employees working from home, including things like increased employee morale, and significant cost savings by not having to hold on to expensive office space and all of the expenses that go along with it.


Many companies have decided to stick with the work-from-home model even when the pandemic is over.  Other companies are just waiting for the time when they can get back into the office.  Many millennial owned small businesses have put a lot of time and expense into their office space.  They have made their offices an extension of themselves and their corporate identities, and they are not willing to let that go.


For others, working from home is not the respite from commuting, but rather a situation that causes monotony and boredom.  People want to get out of the house and be out in the world.  They do not want to spend their days and nights in the same place.


For some, working from home is a benefit that provides flexibility and the ability to be around for young children.  Other people might lack the required space to be able to concentrate effectively.


As with any situation, some things work well for some that do not work for others.


Is working from home here to stay?  Yes, but not to the extent that we have seen through the pandemic.  Some companies have changed models, but many are going to get back the office as soon as possible.  The landscape will change, but not as drastically as we have seen in the first half of 2020.


At The Essex Companies, we are working with businesses that have transitioned to a work-from-home model, and we work with businesses and organizations that can not work from home due to the nature of the business.  For companies that are working from home, there is a concern about new employees and the level of dedication required for a new job.


The work-from-home model makes the screening process more difficult since so many interviews are now done remotely.  You have to get a feel for the person and whether you believe they will be able to work remotely effectively.  That means asking the right questions and understanding the answers.  Understanding interview answers is not just a matter of what is said, but what is not said.


One of the most significant benefits of working with The Essex Companies is that we have the experience to be able to screen candidates and be able to recognize details you might miss if you do not interview people regularly.  One of the most significant risks in hiring a new person is seeing whether the person is a good fit once they start to work.  It is disappointing when you go through the process, and it turns out the person is not a good fit.


Put our experience to work for you and let us screen and interview candidates for your open positions.  You will save yourself time and money by knowing that the process is being handled professionally by a company that truly understands the New York Area job market.  We have seen it all and have been through it all. 


Regardless of your business model, call The Essex Companies, and know that you are getting the best possible candidates who have been professionally and adequately screened.